
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Did You See This?

US Physics Professor: 'Global Warming Is The Greatest
And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud I Have Seen In My Long Life'

The MSM isn't exactly promoting it.


  1. What a fascinating letter! I guess because I am not a scientist that I have been blissfully unaware of the consequences of the affect of money on results. Its scary to think that our beliefs and interests are subject to funding and keeping our pocket liners happy. In retrospect,I should have known... but my faith in the quality of our scientific research over rode that part of my brain.
    It is very sad to me to think that scientists are losing their ability to debate freely. I can't help but think of all the past scientific beliefs have been proven false. This is one forum that needs to remain open! It doesn't even matter which side I choose to take. What matters is that we need that open ended talk that keeps us on the path.

  2. I totally agree. Science used to be pure and ruled only by the fact that any lab could reproduce your results and that made them correct. It gags me to see what it has become thanks to money and greed.

  3. Cube - I just visited my vote for sue blog.

    Wow! Thanks.

    I'm honored.

    (I needed that.)

  4. Brooke: Thank the internet. I had no idea that this educated man had resigned because of the AGW nonsense.

  5. I do look for more scientists to break with the idiocy of global warming.

  6. AOW, don't hold your breath $$$$

    Cube, I'm going to try to blog this's SO important; thanks a lot.
    I think Al Gore's supposed to have made about $100 million on this fraud. NOt bad, huh?

  7. wow a truth teller!! keep the faith my friend!!..:)

  8. Always On Watch: I do look for some scientists to break away, but there will be strong opposition from the rest of the pack who love the money more than the scientific method.

  9. Z: I'm greatful that you are helping spread the word.

    BTW I think Gore made way more than $100 million.

  10. WomanHonorThyself: We little people do what we can to spread the truth.

  11. We view this man's credential's and know that we are not dealing with an ignorant man. He is well-educated and speaks with lucid precision.

    Bravo! Sorry he had to resign, but I hope this will wake up some of colleagues that agree with him and take up the torch.

  12. Leticia: Hope his resignation opens some important eyes.
