
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Giant Lego Man

8-foot-tall Lego Man Washes Up On Florida Beach, Held In Custody

Held in custody?

What's he going to do... connect with another giant Lego?

Only in Florida.


  1. Is it illegal to wash up on the shore in Florida, or only if you're a LEGO?


  2. This made me laugh so hard. Honestly. A giant Lego man washes up on shore and they hold him in custody? You can't make up this stuff. I love living in Florida, but sometimes it scares me.

  3. I don't quite understand the artistic part of a giant lego man washing his way around, but it is darned funny.
    Surely they don't expect him to make a break for it.
    But I'm guessing he doesn't have the proper passport. Perhaps Homeland Security needs to check him out.=;]

  4. silly rabbit: lol. Maybe it's an al Qaida plot? Let's hope Big Sis Napolitano is on the case.

  5. I'm so grateful to Florida for taking some of the onus of idiocy from California.

  6. Jan: Yes, lucky for you there is one state that is almost as looney as California.

  7. Joe Conservative: heh heh.

  8. Cube - When I saw the Giant Lego Man it reminded me of the Giant Naked Arnold in Terminator Three.

    That was too much.


    And now to sleep and dream of packing boxes. :)

  9. How much is the cost of holding him in custody?

  10. Thank God they got this beast.

    I have to say, we had a lot of fun in Florida last year and thought it was beautiful but it is a weird state.

  11. Woman Honor Thyself: a big one.

    Sue Hanes: Yes, Ahnold was much blockier by the time he filmed T3.

    Always On Watch: I hear he's on a hunger strike and may be released soon ;-)

    Chuck: I know weird stuff happens everywhere, but it seem Florida gets a disproportionate share.

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