
Monday, November 21, 2011

Cement Butt Tranny Doc

Would you let someone that looked like this give you any butt-enhancing procedures?

'Fake Doctor Boosted Woman's Bottom With Home-made Implant Containing Cement And Super Glue' (And This Is A Picture Of HIM)

I can only shake my head at a story such as this one.


  1. Holy crap! No. Nor would I ever allow anyone to implant a concrete and super glue anything on or in my body. That is insane!

  2. For once Cube - I am speechless.


  3. Don't worry... We The Taxpayers will pay to have this freak show 'fixed.'

  4. Sadly this is not a first

    Some of the people I deal with in the ER are really not bright. This is not to be mean, it's fact. I am not that surprised that people would fall for this.

  5. I don't get it! I just don't get it! I am NEVER going to understand why anyone would subject themselves to such attempted enhancements, even from a licensed doctor.

  6. Ye, gods!

    How do you find clothes to fit that jutland!

  7. Silly Rabbit: I agree. The whole thing is insane.

    Sue Hanes: That's saying a lot ;-)

    Brooke: I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the taxpayers funded some of this lunacy.

  8. Chuck: That's very sad.

    Granny Annie: I have a hard time keeping up myself. I don't think you're far off when you talk about being implanted with control chips... I wouldn't put it past the left.

    Always On Watch: I would get in trouble if I spoke my mind at this point. Let's just say there are places.
