
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Say It Ain't So, Saints

Saints Eavesdropping? Mickey Loomis Reportedly Able To Listen To Opponents In Superdome Suite

The allegations keep piling up against the Saints...

Nasty stuff.


  1. Coaches, owners, and players in pro sports are starting to act as sleazy as politicians.

  2. Hm. Not surprised. The NFL needs to clean house of all the thugs and criminals!

    Here in Cincinnati, it's almost a prerequisite to be a convicted felon before you can play!

  3. Chuck: It sure is looking that way.

  4. Brooke: Not just in Cincinnati; this is a nation-wide problem.

  5. If ESPN has evidence of this, why aren't they providing it? I thought that's what journalism was about.

  6. I don't know a thing about it. I only know that someday we're going to highlight the ones that keep sports and politics clean (if there are any).

  7. Cube - This is the main reason I am down on organized sports. They just can't leave well enough alone.

    Football is a great game - let's quit the bad stuff and just play ball.

  8. Jan: I don't know what is going on with journalists nowadays. They are certainly dropping the ball if they're not reporting evidence of a story.

  9. Granny Annie: I, too, hope one day we will highlight the ones that keep the games clean.

    Sue Hanes: I'm not down on all organized sports. I am a big NFL fan, but so far as we know, this evidence paints the Saints as big, fat cheaters. I don't like that.

  10. Me too - Cube.

    I don't like cheating on any level.
