
Friday, June 15, 2012

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... an illegal kitty who may
get to stay
in the USA
if Obama gets his way.

Amnesty? Immunity? Obama Administration Calls This End-Run Around Congress A 'Deferred Action Process'

Got Congress?

Got Constitution?

Got millions of newly-minted democrats indebted to Obama come November?

Not a very happy scenario for this Friday :-(


  1. Keep the cat, get rid of the illegals.

    Obama has absolutely NO authority to do what he is doing.

    It is up to congress NOT him to make the laws. He doesn't care about anything other than getting his way.

  2. This is all so stupid! With so many illegals burdening our over extended system it is financially irresponsible. It encourages more illegals, including terrorists to cross our southern borders. There are no extra jobs here for these people to have.

    For years we have had a serious immigration plan that has rules. You go through the right channels and you can come live here. I don't see why its okay for some to break those rules... which are actually laws... while it is wrong for others. We should insist that our laws be followed. Period. No amnesty.

  3. Cube - Politics aside - may I comment that your Cat Blog Friday is very charming - although - like his blog administrator -
    he does not seem very pleased about it all.

    Thanks - Cube.

    I hope your family has a great Fathers' Day celebration.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Obama is the king. He will do whatever he wants, Congress or Constitution be damned!

  6. has there been a happy Friday since Obama moved into the White House?

