
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Roomba Rumba

Even German chancellor Angela Merkel must give way to Roomba, the autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner.



  1. Cube - I don't mind vacuuming - but now and then I would be glad to have Roomba at my house.

  2. Sue Hanes: Roomba is the wave of the future.


  3. Cube - Which future? I'm not getting any younger and I'd like to get some of this Roomba action.


  4. Do these devices really do the job?

  5. Sue Hanes: Roomba was the first generation robotic vacuum cleaner. I'm not sure when, but these devices are only going to get smarter. Remember Rosie the robot maid from the Jetsons? ;-)

  6. Brooke: lol!

    Always On Watch: I don't know. I've never known anyone who had one.

    I would think that the more open the floor, the better it works. Too much furniture would confuse it.

  7. This cracked me up Cube! I HOPE that's what is going on in that picture. On a more somber note, the end of civilization could very well come from "new and improved" sentient Zoombas.

  8. I have a Rumba. Her name is Lili and she comes every other Thursday:)

  9. that is hilarious!
    I love granny Annie's response! Mine's Maria, but only once a month! :-)
    This kind of reminds me of that MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW segment when Sue Ann Nivens (Betty White) showed Mary her vibrating bed, remember? I'm quite sure it didn't clean anything, tho!

    (From Z at her work computer!)

  10. The only Roomba at my house is named Cube and she reports for work every day.

  11. Does it work on hardwood floors, or tile? Because I sure would love to have one.

  12. Leticia: It works on both hardwood floors and tile. There's a new one called a Mint (I think) that uses a wet Swiffer pad and actually mops the floor, instead of just vacuuming it.
