
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Naughty Nickelodeon

For the record, Jason Biggs is employed by Nickelodeon and his Twitter account is currently being promoted by kid’s channel Nickelodeon...

Wife Of Jason Biggs Jokes About Child Rape; Defends Husband’s Misogynistic Tweets

I wonder how understanding Nickelodeon executives would be if Jason Biggs and his wife were tweeting rude remarks about Moochelle Obama instead of Ann Romney and Janna Ryan?

Call me a square, but I think a children's network should refrain from pushing a political agenda and from directing kids to lewd Twitter accounts.


  1. Cube, it is indefensible! Once again, we are living in the mirror universe!

  2. Alinsky's mirror universe. Propaganda aimed at kids, the younger the better.

  3. Do any of us think Les Moonves and Viacom care about kids?

    They are just Obamites.

  4. I'm just glad my children are grown and I don't have to worry about this sort of rot from children's programming.
