
Friday, November 16, 2012

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a college cat.


Because our youngest daughter is flying home from university tomorrow for the Thanksgiving break and we get to have her under our roof for nine whole days.

Happy Friday everybody!



  1. My cat loves to sit on my piles of books and I've often wondered if osmosis can happen through her nether regions.

    Have a great nine days catching up.

  2. The word osmosis is used improperly in this picture but I figured everyone would get it anyway.

    Thanks. Even though we email, scype, and talk on the phone, it all pales to having her home.

  3. Since I work part-time, I only work two days next week, it is going to hurt my paycheck, but my boys are officially off, and I get to spend some time with them. We will probably hang around the house, but we still have fun watching movies and yep we challenge each other on Songpop on Facebook.

    Enjoy your visit with your precious baby.

  4. My blog dog was so excited to see my son last night that he had to inquire if we had been beating her. It was obvious she was tired of the two invalids she had been responsible for and needed some youthful loving.

  5. Based on a recent scandal at George Washington University (I'll post about those goings on at some point), I must say that college cats are learning more than some college humans.

    Enjoy the time with your youngest daughter, Cube. Nine days is a good amount of time for a Thanksgiving break!

  6. Leticia: I loved having my girls underfoot during their school breaks. When they were little, as soon as they were off for the summer, they'd want my "summer school" to start. I'd get them notebooks and assign little projects. It was fun for all of us.

    Enjoy the down time with your boys. They'll be heading off to college before you know it.

  7. Granny Annie: lol. Our dogs love it when Mr. Cube gets home and they can putter around outside with him.

  8. Always On Watch: I hear you about the dearth of learning at so many of today's universities. It's not just students slacking off, but the schools, too. Just reading about some of the nonsensical classes being offered for credit makes me shake my head in disbelief.

    We will enjoy our time together and are grateful her teachers were persuaded to let the students present their classwork early so break could start today instead of next Tuesday the 20th.


  9. Cube - That's going to be one smart cat.

    Enjoy the time with your daughter.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I thought it was diffusion unless it was water.

    biology always confuses me.

    nerd bird out

  12. Have a great Thanksgiving with your family, Cube!

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