
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

15 Foot Sinkhole Swallows Golfer In St Louis

Thank goodness the golfer survived. A Florida man wasn't so lucky. He and his bed were swallowed up while he slept:

Sinkhole Swallows Man In Florida

Sheesh. Like we needed one more fluke event to worry about in this crazy, mixed up world.


  1. That has now replaced my fear of being hit by a meteor.

  2. Any word on if there are sinkholes in DC?


  3. Cube - What a way to go. All of a sudden there are sinkholes appearing.

    Something new to worry about.

  4. Will someone please tell me what a sink is doing in a hole in the first place.

  5. Jan: You scoff, but all it takes is one meteor that's large enough and all life on earth is over. Quick, hand me my aluminum foil hat ;-)

  6. Chuck: I wouldn't be surprised if there were. The golf course sinkhole happened in Missouri!

    Sue: I know. That poor man who got swallowed up while he slept in bed... it certainly is a horrible way to go.

  7. Many people are living above potential sinkholes. There is a small town near us that has been bought out by the government and moved all of the people out because the population was living over abandoned mines that cause sinkholes.

  8. Cube, Chuck: I wouldn't be surprised if there were. The golf course sinkhole happened in Missouri!

    It was wishful thinking. Maybe one under 1600 Penn Ave or under Congress.
