
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Weighty Issue

Former Vogue Editor Reveals Models Are Eating Tissues To Stay Thin In Tell-All Book

I'm personally touched by this article because during my recent illness I lost a lot of weight. During my recuperation, everyone in my orbit has urged me to eat more. I have joked with many that if I had a dollar for all the people who have offered me a few of their excess pounds, I wouldn't need to gain weight.

I wouldn't recommend getting sick to lose weight as a diet plan, but I had no choice. It's so sad these young women, conversely, literally starving themselves to look this bad.


  1. Interesting. One of my dogs' favorite activities is to get a tissue or paper towel and tear it into bite size pieces which they carefully chew.

    I didn't know it was a weight control thing. I thought they were just trying to annoy me.

  2. Our dogs will chew napkins, but they only chew them to bits and make a giant mess. They don't eat them.

    Our Elke (German Shepherd) has arthritis in her hips and the vet tells us she must lose weight... maybe I should encourage her to eat tissues.

  3. Our new kitty Amber loves to chew on wicker and on the bathmat. I find pieces of the hamper and tufts from the bathmat all over the house.

  4. I wonder how many calories there are in tissues...
