
Thursday, May 02, 2013

Historic Victuals

Skeleton Of Teenage Girl Confirms Cannibalism At Jamestown Colony

Always suspected, but now it's proven thanks to forensic analysis.


  1. Cube - Why do we have to dig up this stuff. can we just let it be?

  2. Because it's history. Those who don't examine the past are going to relive the mistakes.

    OK, I'm paraphrasing Santayana...

    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

    Jamestown isn't a model we want to repeat.

  3. I heard the headline on the radio this morning and wasn't sure I wanted to know any more about it. But you're right, we should have all the knowledge that anthropology and forensics can teach us.

  4. This is important to know because when our country goes to wreck and ruin we will know what to do with our extremely liberal neighbors;) Just kidding!!!

  5. We shouldn't be surprised? Remember the Donner Party?

    Colonists and pioneers had to do the unthinkable at times -- probably more often than we know.

  6. And one more thing....Jamestown suffered so much because they tried a Communistic (collectivist) system. No wonder the people were starving!

  7. thepoodleanddogblog: I'm a big fan of forensics... don't think I want my bones lying around in a museum drawer or on display.

  8. Granny Annie: lol. It might be like that old adage about clowns... they taste funny ;-)

  9. Always On Watch: I believe the Donner party was an unfortunate group that was slammed with severe hardship and it led to some desperate solutions. And I also believe it wasn't an isolated incident.

    Absolutely, Jonestown was an epic failure of the communist system of government. There was no incentive to work and, consequently, no work was done and everyone starved.

    I'm glad we finally have the forensic proof.

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