
Monday, June 10, 2013

Big Brother Is Watching

Edward Snoden: NSA Whistleblower Comes Forward

Watch your words, people.


  1. ...AND your thoughts

  2. Edward Snowden has done citizens a great service by revealing this information that our government is spying on us.

    George Orwell would be impressed with our government. The tyranny of invasion of our privacy needs to stop.

  3. thepoodleanddogblog: Absolutely.
    OOPS... sorry about that last thought...

  4. Teresa: I think George Orwell would be horrified at how true his "fictional" vision became. And yes, this governmental tyranny must end.

  5. I'm too old to care or to feel much fear -- well, except about aging.

    Watch me all you want, Big Brother.

  6. Always On Watch: I fear about the well being of my daughters... then I fear about aging.

  7. and has been watching since humans learned seats of power on this planet.

  8. Interesting! I agree that BB is getting into areas that it has no business at all entering and needs to be reined in.

    This gentleman is so frightened, he sounds a bit on the wobbly side. What's next for him... burning his hair and nail clippings and kleenex boxes for shoes? But fear will do that to you.

    I hope his money lasts as long as he needs it to.


  9. Cube - The thing I think about this spying is that are so many of us - so how could they listen to what we are saying.
