
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Big Cat Drama

This story made my husband and me laugh like crazy this morning...

Big Cat Has Northeast Detroit Neighborhood On Edge

Four feet tall?

It stared at you?



  1.'s a jungle out there...literally.

  2. Yes, a literal jungle. First the 50,000 dogs and now giant cats. The anchor of HLN news this morning said jokingly if you're going a cat in Detroit, you'd better be four feet tall.

    One of the many humorous things was the account of one man who said the big cat stared at him. OMG. It stared at him.

    Every time I think about this, I laugh. It's made a good morning for me.


  3. Cube - This is hilarious. I'd be scared of the big cat too. It looks like an exotic pet in the cat family. As if Detroit needs onen more thing to worry about.

  4. Sue Hanes: I'm still laughing. This has been a fun morning for me. I'm sorry, but I can't believe anyone being afraid of this cat.

  5. Doesn't Detroit have one of the highest murder rates in the US? And they fear a big cat?

  6. Granny Annie: I know. It's insane.

  7. AOW: I heard this too and was shocked that a group of idiots actually killed this cat. If it was really that rare, it could've been put into a zoo.

    I wonder just who is the real animal?
