
Monday, September 23, 2013

California Mother Faces Public Outcry After Posting Photos Of Her Lifting Weights At 8 Months Pregnant

My biggest problem with this is that during pregnancy a hormone is released to soften pelvic ligaments which, of course, soften all the ligaments in the body. I know she's a world class athlete, but I would hate to see some accident occur. It isn't the weight... it's only 45 pounds and I carried more than that when I was pregnant with my second daughter and was lugging my first one around. I'm more worried about the bar falling than the weight lifting.


  1. I'm kind of worried about her falling out of that outfit.

  2. that outfit is so insulting and degrading as well..pfffffttt!

  3. So, unlike my daughter in law, her back will be strong.


  4. Cube - I find that picture offensive. Just because I do. It also doesn't seem like a good idea for the pregnancy.

  5. thepoodleanddogblog: lol. I agree.

  6. WomanHonerThyself: That outfit is no more revealing than an average bathing suit.

  7. Woodsterman (Odie): Then your son is an lucky man.

  8. Sue Hanes: She's not revealing any more than an average bathing suit would reveal. That's she's 8 months pregnant shouldn't stop her from most of her normal practices.

    It's not what I would've done, but I think she should be applauded for putting herself out there when she was not at her best.

    Being a slim woman all of my life, I was self conscious about the huge belly when I got pregnant, but my husband loved me anyway, so it helped me get through the whole experience.

    BTW my girls hate seeing photos of me that pregnant... they think it's gross. Don't worry... those photos are not something I would even think of publishing so you don't have to hide your eyes.

  9. I agree with Angel that the outfit is insulting and degrading, but the new trend is to look like a porn star exercising and exercising and pregnant. Women do not to accuse men any longer of the "objectifcation of women," women themselves are doing it.

    As to the pregnancy, even though she is trained well, I agree with your one commenter that spoke to the hormones released during pregnancy that relax the abdomen and pelvic muscles and floor. Believe me Cube, I know....I have had 9 kids, no lie!! Ask AOW she will tell you! LOL!

    So, only 45 pounds or not, she should not be doing this and she is not at this point a good role model for the pregnant woman. I hope these women talk to their doctors before doing something that irresponsible.

    All I can say is God bless her and I pray all goes well for her. I cannot help but think this was for "showmanship" more than real exercise.

  10. Cube I agree to a point with your remarks @ Sue Hanes, but being big and pregnant is temporary and most women, at least me embraced it as part of womanhood and I was proud of it. That is much different than being fat - nothing to be proud about that. I am not talking about loosing fat after the baby, or fat due to a medical condition or certain meds one must take --- I am talking fat because on just does not know how to push themselves away from the table.

    It took me a long time to lose the baby weight and then a slow metabolism due to an underactive thyroid - but I lost over 50 pounds and just 20 to go!

    But being big and pregnant should make women proud. I wonder what the barren would say---I will take the fat belly and all to have one baby. Nothing to be ashamed of.

    Being fat is nothing to be ashamed of if you are being you and it does not bother you - but there is no comparison of the two.

    Sorry this topic here is really a good one. Thanks for the honor to post here!

