
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Clowning Around

We all float down here...

Creepy Northampton Clown Terrifying Residents By Standing Around On Street Corners Staring At Passers-by

Coulrophobes unite!


  1. Growing up, I thought I was the only person ever who didn't like clowns. Now i know there are a lot of us.

  2. I would venture to say that there are more people who fear/hate clowns than there are those who are amused by them.

  3. This is the third in a series of stories that made me laugh because I found them ridiculous.

    First people were afraid of the big cat, then it was the turkey, and now it's the staring clown.

    At least it's keeping me entertained.

  4. I have a granddaughter who is the world's biggest Coulrophobe. Her cousins taunt her by hiding Steven King's IT under her pillow when they are all here. I think that book affected all who read it in their attitude about clowns.


  5. Cube - For something that is supposed to make people happy - clowns can be pretty darn scary.


  6. I started to read IT but quit when I came to the part about the clown staring out of the sewer. Also the clown in the movie Poltergeist was pretty scary too.

  7. My sister in law hates clowns. I find them comical; think Killer Clowns From Outer Space.

    As for IT... I can't watch it without hearing the theme from Night Court in my head.

  8. Granny Annie: lol. That sounds like what goes on at our house too, although not with IT, but with other things.

    I was creeped out by clowns before I read IT, but that book really cemented my feelings.

  9. Woodsterman (Odie): The creepiest.

    Sue Hanes: I remember reading IT during lunch when I worked as an office manager at an Internist's office. I was all alone and parts of the book creeped me out, once to the point that I had to stop reading.

  10. Brooke: "You're a braver man than I am, Gunga Din"

    BTW thanks for putting the Night Court theme song in my head. My daughter just told us how funny Cheers is... maybe I should tell her to check this out too.
