
Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Humor

I don't know how prevalent this attitude is in Scotland, but it made me smile nonetheless.

I've run across some trick-or-treaters for which I could've used this jack-o-lantern.


  1. I'm the Grinch who stole Halloween and you have inspired me to do some pumpkin carving.

  2. No candy treats at that house, I guess.

  3. I can't stand my neighbor, so I give the kids raw eggs.


  4. Cube - I'm sure there are plenty of houses that would like to have this pumpkin in the window.

    We are going to be gone for most of the evening - and anyway there is heavy rain predicted here so that should spoil the trick 'n treating.

  5. a touch of anger there? lol check out my treats Cube..I just posted them..bwhahahah! Have a great day despite it all my friend!:)

  6. Jan: I love Halloween. I also love scaring kids before I give them some treats. My husband disagrees, but I do it anyway. hee hee.

  7. Always On Watch: I wouldn't go to THAT door.

    Woodsterman (Odie): Yuck, that's worse than the dentist that gives out dental floss.

  8. Sue Hanes: I remember one Halloween, after being recently married and my husband had to work late. I was afraid to open the door by myself, so I turned off all the lights and hid out and watched rented horror movies. Bad idea...
