
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cat Band

Mylie Cyrus is getting all this attention from a giant singing cat at the AMA awards, but I've been showcasing singing cats for years...

The Kitty Band

And these cats play instruments which is more than I can do.




  1. hi, Cube!
    Happy Thanksgiving...I hope you have a great day (any Armenian food thrown in the dinner mix?)

    I can't think of Miley without seeing that awful huge tongue of hers reaching down to her chin...
    what HAPPENED that poor girl!?

  2. Hi Z. Good to hear from you again. We keep Thanksgiving pretty traditional, but we throw in stewed fresh green beans that I associate with my husband's Lebanese grandmother because that's where I learned to make the dish.

    Hope your Thanksgiving will be great. I know the food will be. I'd love to be there to share it.

    As for Miley, yeah I agree, keep that tongue in your mouth, girl.
    My girls watched Hannah Montana and it turns my stomach to see how she's turned out. I'm glad she's not my daughter.

  3. I can't remember being that young and wanting that much attention,

  4. That's one cool cat in that graphic!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Cube.

  5. Jan: I remember being that young, but not needing that much attention.

  6. Always On Watch: He's a cool cat.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  7. Hum? Well I'm thinking about it. Meanwhile, hope your Thanksgiving was grand.

  8. lol meow!! Enjoy your day my friend!:-)
