
Monday, January 13, 2014

419.99 Is The New 420

Colorado Replaces 420 Mile Marker With 419.99 To Thwart Thieves

Now that marijuana is legal in many states and on its way to becoming legal nationwide, we should fear a bigger danger...

A New Gateway Drug: Puffer Fish


  1. I think I am perverse, but I actually chuckled when the author of the sign article called the 420 sign the Roll Tide equivalent in the pothead world. Roll Tide. hahahaha.

  2. I must be as perverse as you, because I noticed that right off the bat too.

    I'm a big time Bama fan.

    Roll Tide!

  3. More revenue for the cities, states and the feds. Of course they are going to be okay with that.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. I had no idea that pufferfish were being abused this way! Just an fyi, using a pet goldfish (hypothetically) as a breath mint produces no high.

  5. Cube - I would think that thieves would want to steal the latest mileage marker since it is unusual.

  6. I agree with Sue. I think the potheads would just have a better story when they displayed the new sign.

  7. I agree with Sue. I think the potheads would just have a better story when they displayed the new sign.
