
Monday, February 24, 2014

Yes, It's Monday

Took a cat and a dog to the vet this morning and have been dragging my butt ever since.


  1. I hear ya, Cube. I have a case of the sucky Mondays for sure.

    Hope the pets are doing okay.

  2. I remember when I worked. I hated Mondays as that was meeting day. A meeting at 9 and one at 1. It sucked up the whole day while my in-basket overflowed.

    Have a fabulous week. ☺

  3. Cube - I hope your cat and dog are ok. Pretty soon it will be Friday the way the days fly by.
    Give yourself a break today and take it easy.

  4. That graphic is funny. Even though it is Tuesday, it still applies. Oh, the pain...

  5. But when you are retired like I am, every day is whatever you want it to be:)

  6. Jay Noel: Sucky Mondays are almost universal ;-)

    The dog and cat who went to the vet both have allergies to fleas even though they're on monthly flea meds.

    The vet recommended using a Seresto collar in addition to the flea meds and at $64 a pop, that's a pricey treatment plan.

  7. Sandee: Two meetings in one day sounds awful. And the in-basket is always overflowing despite the advent of computers. Remember they were supposed to reduce paper work?

  8. WomanHonorThyself: Glad you liked it too.

  9. Sue Hanes: The pets are good. They basically have contact dermatitis due to an allergy to fleas. We'll
    have to part with lots of cash for treatment, but they'll be fine.

  10. Robin: Better late than never :-)
