
Saturday, March 29, 2014

People Rage

Rage... it's not just for roads anymore.

Do you find that more and more people seem to have lost their manners?



  1. I've noticed the more liberal this country gets the worse it gets.

  2. What Odie said. Spot on. I don't think I visit any liberals anymore. They don't see how hateful they are. Bless their hearts.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Woodsterman (Odie): I've noticed that too. The sooner we're done with PC nonsense, the better off we'll all be.

  4. Sandee: Not so easy when they're in the family. We just avoid politics as best we can. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

  5. there are no manners in NYC Cube lol :)

  6. I'm questioning whether they had manners to lose.

  7. Cube - I think more and more that manners are becoming a thing of the past. : [

  8. Are we equating lack of manners with rage or just with liberals? My husband was not a liberal by any means but his manners were awful. He always felt if you duty was to constantly be on watch to save lives you didn't have time to be polite.

  9. WomanHonorThyself: I know. I lived in Manhattan for 7 years. New York gets a pass because the last thing you want to do is be polkite to someone who then begins to stalk you ;-)

  10. Jan: That's a possibility.

  11. Sue Hanes: You may be right about that. Time will tell.

  12. Granny Annie: I don't know if there is one cause, but there has been a coarsening of our societal mores.

    Re: your husband's comment, I must admit I've barked a few orders myself because in an emergency, there is no time to be polite.

    I was referring to the mundane events of our day, such as almost bumping into someone at the supermarket. Many don't say, "Excuse me" anymore. Little things like that are growing exponentially in my view.
