
Friday, April 04, 2014

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat and a baby because they're perfect together.

If these pics don't melt your heart, you don't have one.

22 Photos That Prove Babies Need Pets. Number 17 Especially

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. Awww, they were all adorable. My first thought was most cats don't like car rides. Not this one though.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  2. Every time I post a picture of a baby and a dog, I get someone warning me of the danger of the dog biting the child.

  3. Sandee: My cats go into mournful meow mode when in the car. To them, the car means a trip to the vet. They hate that.

  4. Woodsterman (Odie): My sentiments exactly.

  5. Jan: I haven't gotten one of those yet. It doesn't mean I won't.

    Socialization with the child is very important, but it doesn't always happen.

    Our first German shepherd together as a couple completely ignored our new baby. BB wasn't ever purposefully mean to our daughter, but wanted nothing to do with her.

  6. I posted about doggies! Have an awesome weekend my friend~!:-)

  7. Cube - These pictures of baby and pets are all so darling and perfect for Cat Blog Friday. I especially like #18.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. Woman Honor Thyself: Saw it. Very sweet... especially your tribute to Ashley.

  9. Sue Hanes: They're all so precious. I picked a cat related one because it was Friday, but I easily could've picked one of the doggie ones too.

  10. What a fabulous link - so endearing!

  11. Awwwww! That's a great link, Cube.

    I've had pets since babyhood. I think that all children should have pets -- so many lessons to be learned from our four-legged friends.

  12. Helena: I know. Once I saw it, I couldn't not share.

  13. Always On Watch: Absolutely. I feel sorry for kids that grow up without pets. It's sad to see because there are many lessons to learn from taking care of pets and so much joy to experience from having them in your life.

  14. I loved this one Cube! It made me grin like an idiot. Thank you!
