
Saturday, May 03, 2014

David Disfigurement

This might have been a Cat Blog Friday post, but I wasn't sure if that was a kitty blocking the view of David's 'er, ahem' nether regions...

Michaelangelo's David Statue Is Having Ankle Problems

Anyway, I hope they fix whatever is wrong, because he sure is a sight.


  1. Bwahahahahahahaha. I linked you to my Silly Sunday post. This is very Silly and well it fits.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday. ☺

  2. Cube - I hope that they can fix the David statue. It is quite a work of art. Good that you covered up the artistic part. We could take it - though.

  3. Sandee: Well thank you so much for the Sunday mention. I'm glad you liked it.

  4. Sue Hanes: I think they will fix David's ankle problems. I know we as women could take the artistically covered parts, but I was concerned about the children.

  5. The new research, which was conducted with Florence University, shows that the sculpture has been damaged over the years by the vibrations caused by the millions of tourists who have come to see the work of art.

    Talk about irony!

  6. Cube - At the risk of sounding stupid - what does a tennis player have to do with the David statue? : ]

  7. Always On Watch: Yes, ultimate irony.

  8. Sue Hanes: I got to my computer at 9:30 AM on 5/6/14 and have no idea what a tennis player is doing on my blog post about Michaelangelo's David.

  9. Sue Hanes: WTF? She's gone now.
