
Monday, May 19, 2014

The Big 4-0

Can you believe the Rubik's cube has been around for forty years?

Rubik's Cube Invention: Will You Get The Cube Tattooed? 9 Other Interesting Tributes

BTW that's not me... I have a nicer neck ;-)


  1. I'm not going to honor something that I could not solve. Bwwhahahahahaha. I never once got that stupid thing done. What a mind teaser though.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Please be more considerate of my Uncle Rubik. So many harsh words all these years have made him very sensitive ;-)

  3. I could never do them either Cube!

  4. I managed to solve it one time with help and never again.

  5. Cube - I never could do the Rubik's cube. And it's hard to believe that it has been around for 40 years.

    I have no intention to have it tatooed on my neck or anything else for that matter. :]
