
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Triple Breasted Nutcase

Kind of sounds like a bird species, but it's not...

Woman Who Claimed To Have Surgery To Add Third Breast Exposed As Hoaxer

I could've told you that in a New York minute.

Of course she's from Tampa. Why am I not surprised.



  1. BTW it was done in "Total Recall" long before... nothing new.

  2. What a boob. Pun intended.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. I COULDN'T open the link lest there be a picture of her and her three breasts!
    GAD...and NOT CALIFORNIA, go figure!? We usually get all the flack from the blogosphere.
    Not much of it as deserved as some think, either.
    If only some of you knew the great conservatives I know !!
    And they only have 2 breasts,I assure you :-)

  4. I didn't have any trouble opening the link. Rest assured that there will be no pics of the tree breasted woman if you can open the link.

    California isn't the only state with koo-koo heads. We have our share in Florida.

  5. Ww in California are grateful to a lot of Floridian nutcases.

  6. *sigh* sadly the legend of the 3-breasted lady is still as elusive as the latest chupacabra and bigfoot sightings. It doesn't mean I will quit my lifelong pursuit.

  7. The first time I saw her picture with the third boob on Facebook, I was able to zoom and easily see the line where it attached. Plus I remembered seeing such a thing in a movie but couldn't remember which one. Thanks Cube for the reminder.

  8. Cube - What kind of a person would fall for a hoax like that.
    A third breast? Give me a break.
