
Monday, November 17, 2014

Lying Liar

Surprise, surprise...

Obama Is Now Lying About His Lies

And the MSM is complicit in the web of lies.


  1. I truly believe it is pathological and that he really isn't listening to himself.

  2. I've always known that if his lips are moving he's telling a fib.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Why aren't more Americans enraged?

  4. Jan: I think Obola is listening to his lies, but is convinced that he can get away with pulling yet another one over on the stupid American public.

    BTW by stupid American public I mean those who were foolish enough to vote for him and his buttload of lies.

  5. Always On Watch: My question exactly. I think that the low information voters only care about the free stuff he promised and the lib/progs aren't likely to admit that his administration has turned out to be a train wreck.

    "Stupid is as stupid does."
    -- Forrest Gump
