
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The Spider Zone

It is a bone chilling sight to see one of these Florida Huntsman (and Huntswoman) spiders crawling on your wall.

They're lightning fast and very aggressive.

I don't care that they're not venomous and they eat bugs. They're not welcome in my house or my garage.

Now I've got the heebie-jeebies.


  1. That would freak me out too. Yikes that thing is huge.

    Have a spider free day. ☺

  2. It's actually kind of cute in a Charlotte's Web sort of way. I would prefer it to many kinds of insects in my home.

  3. Sandee: They're even creepy outside. My husband was standing on the carport one night when a large Huntsman scurried across in front of him. It stopped midway and turned to face him. He said all of its eyes caught the light and glinted menacingly.

    Suddenly, as quickly as it stopped, the spider turned and continued on its way across the rest of the carport disappearing into the grass.

    Spider free days are good.

  4. Jan: Cute? What in the Sam Hill kind of bugs do you have in your home that you would prefer the likes of this enormous arachnid?

  5. A small spider is one thing; a large one, another.

    But what I hate even worse: centipedes. They feel furry when you step on one with your bare feet. Ewwwwww!

  6. Always On Watch: Small spiders are marginally better than large ones, but I still don't like them.

    Even those little jumping spiders are too friendly for me.

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