
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dazzling Eyes

This little owl is blind but has the cosmos in his eyes.

This Blind Screech Owl Has Eyes That Are Impossible To Believe

I can see forever... in Zeuz's eyes.


  1. I'm just thrilled he's found a forever home. What a heartwarming story.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Wouldn't it be fun to have an office owl, especially one with Zeus' eyes.

  3. Cube - The little owl has eyes that are beautiful and don't look real.

  4. Sandee: I thought so, too. It must've been hard for the poor thing to survive relying on only his hearing.

  5. Jan: I had the same thought. I have a Dobie who often gases me out of my office - not even close to a cosmic-eyed owl.

  6. Sue Hanes: Those eyes make me think of Carl Sagan, 2001 A Space Odyssey, and Star Trek all rolled up into one.

    An accident of birth, but they're beautiful on many levels.

  7. Oh, how precious this owl is!

    I shared this on my Facebook page and can't wait to see what some of my FB friends have to say about this amazing little creature.
