
Friday, December 19, 2014

Cuban Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... what better than a genuine Cuban cat.

Hey, just be glad I didn't use the photo of Grumpy cat wearing a Carmen Miranda fruit hat. Ms. Miranda wasn't even Cuban!


[The BLOG note: Misu is a term of endearment that many Spanish-speaking people use for cats.]


  1. Thanks for clearing up Misu. I didn't know that.

    Have a purrfect Cuban Cat Blog Friday. ☺

  2. MISU sounds Japanese! :-)
    Very cute picture...all cats are cute, no matter what nationality!!

  3. Sandee: You're welcome about the Misu thing. With an avatar like Cube, you tend to gravitate towards all thing cubular.

  4. Z: It does sound Japanese, doesn't it. I'm not sure how the term originated and the Internet isn't helpful. Lots of pics of vixens... like I said, not helpful.

  5. Ok- Misu is a Spanish word for a beloved cat.....thanks for the new word and for your adorable cat photo! Meowy Christmas!

  6. Kathe W.: Thank you for that. I don't know how you found the info, but I'm happy that you did and most happy that you shared it.

    You know what, I'm sure that tons of other cultures have pet names for their cats, too.

    Feel free to share them.
