
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Pope Oooops

Pope Francis Errs In Linking Church To Green Movement

Now climate change too?

Enough is enough. Pope Francis needs to revisit his own words.

Forget all the stuff about being Pope for life... I think early retirement is a good idea.


  1. What we need to do it get rid of the Green Movement. That would cure a lot of what ails us.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I have thought from the beginning that AGW/climate change was a religion and I am more convinced all the time.

  3. Sandee: There are a lot of movements I'd love to get rid of because I agree that they're not productive to our society, but I think discrediting is the only legal way we can end their hold on our country.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jan: I've looked into AGW/climate change and I've found it to be voodoo science academia funded paid by
    the gullible taxpayers.

    Yeah, some kooks might consider it religion, but the Hale-Bopp comet followers thought theirs was a religion as well, but they were an insignificant few.

    Just to be honest, I'm a lapsed Roman
    Catholic, but I'm concerned that the head of an established church is going along with this doctored data & unscientific nonsense and trying to drag one billion followers with him.

    This is scary to me.

  6. As a practicing Catholic, I will say that these kinds of statements from the current pope are a little cringe-worthy. But since the whole global warming fiasco doesn't fall under an infallible pronouncement, I don't worry about it too much. It's not like it's in the Catechism.

  7. DaBlade: From your lips to God's ear.
