
Friday, December 12, 2014

Ugly Christmas Sweater Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday which happens to fall on National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day...

... you guessed it...

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. I can't imagine the fury of a cat released from wearing an ugly sweater.

  2. I think you're right about cat fury. Most of them are against wearing anything that isn't their idea.

    Dogs can go either way...

    I had a chihuahua who was always cold, but wouldn't wear a sweater. She would chew holes in anything we got for her to ward off the cold.

    I now have a Dobie who is always cold, and loves to wear her sweater. She fusses when it warms up enough to take it off.

    Go figure.

  3. oh hahahah this is priceless!

  4. I'm happy to say I don't have any ugly Christmas sweaters. Do you know why? I don't have any Christmas sweaters at all.

    Too cute, but I'm guessing that cat isn't all that happy about the outfit.

    Have a purrfect day. ☺

  5. Kathe W.: Glad you liked it.

  6. Sandee: I don't have any really ugly Christmas sweaters either. I just have my ordinary wardrobe ;)

  7. LOl that cat's face is hilarious :-)

    Have a sweatertastic weekend :-)

  8. I can't imagine trying to wrestle one of these sweaters only any of our kitties -- no matter how brutally cold the weather might be.

  9. Mike Golch: All of my sweaters are normal, LL Bean types... OK, except for one bright yellow number with the alligator brand, but that doesn't sing out Christmas, does it?

  10. Stevebethere: I agree. A cat speak translator would reveal some very naughty words.

    If sweatertastic is a good thing, then I wish the same for you.

  11. Always On Watch: Same with our three cats. They don't take to sweaters or baths.

  12. Cube,
    I can barely get any of our cats to wear the Cone of Shame for more than a short time.

  13. Always On Watch: The "Cone" has only been prescribed to our dogs. They haven't been happy about it, but they've dealt with it.

    Cats on the other hand... oh my, that could get bloody.

  14. Cube - This Cat Blog Friday does not look especially happy with its Ugly Sweater. But at least it is warm!

  15. I always feel bad for people in the nursing homes who will receive all the ugly Christmas sweaters.

  16. Woman Honor Thyself: If you comment, then you must post.

  17. For this Cat Blog Friday which happens to fall on National Ugly Christmas ...
