
Thursday, February 19, 2015


As I write this at ~ 11:00 AM, it is 47 degrees outside with a high of 50 degrees predicted for this afternoon. The forecast calls for a freeze warning tonight.

You know it's cold in Florida when the temperature is that low despite the full-blown sunshine under a Windex blue sky.

Have I told you how much I hate arctic cold air masses?


  1. Love the graphic. So it can happen.

    I remember leaving Sacramento International airport on a freezing January morning heading for Miami. They had to de-ice the plane. When we got to Florida is was HOT. When I think of Florida I think of warmth.

    I hope it warms up for you soon. :)

  2. Yes, I know it can because for me, it's happening right now ;)

    Florida IS supposed to be hot, especially in Tampa. That's why I live here and I don't appreciate the pop in visits from these arctic cold air masses.

    Some of my husband's family is coming down here to visit this weekend and I hope the weather cooperates.

  3. It has been in the 70s here. Spring usually comes in February, thanks to Global Warming (cough) and no Polar Vortex (cough again).

  4. Jan: We had great weather here, too, until this arctic cold mass came our way. This is one reason why I hate the pop in visit.

    Why, oh, why, must I wear pants and a jacket again! ;)

    I'm not out to minimize the plight of our northern friends who are experiencing a much harsher winter.

    I never thought I'd ask for it, but I wouldn't mind a little global warming right about now. Where's algore when you need him?

  5. We have snow and ice but I am not complaining. This winter is so mild in comparison to last winter and that makes me very happy.

  6. Near-record lows here in the D.C. area.

    But, hey, our cars started this morning. BOOYAH!

  7. Cube - If you don't like arctic air masses you'd better not come up here where the temps are below zero.

    Up here 47 degrees is a heat wave!

  8. Granny Annie: Good for you and your animals.

  9. Always On Watch: Look on the bright side, that's the ticket. Stay warm.

  10. Sue Hanes: You're a hardy lot up there.
    Don't worry, I won't be dropping by anytime soon ;)
