
Friday, February 06, 2015

Lying Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... with all the lies circulating around us:

Horse Pucky From Obama


With An Apology, Brian Williams Digs Himself Deeper In Copter Tale

what better than Lying Cat himself.

Happy Friday, everybody.


  1. We are all descended from cavemen who broke the skulls of their enemies with rocks for fun or profit. But that hardly mitigates the crimes of a man who does the same thing today. I see no problem judging the behavior of the Islamic State and its apologists from the vantage point of the West’s high horse, because we’ve earned the right to sit in that saddle.

    I'm in that saddle too. Obama scares me to death. He's so pro Islam and so anti anything Jewish.

    As for Brian Williams. Go away, just go away.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. What did Dan Rather say when caught in a lie, something about it still happened the way he reported it,And we have to wonder how many lies don't get reported.

  3. Sandee: You say Brian Williams go away... can Obola go away with him?

  4. Jan: Fake but accurate was Rather's excuse.

  5. I have never trusted lying cats. at least obama and the MSM news readers are consistent.

  6. Cube - That's a scary looking lying Cat Blog Friday. But it is a lying cat and is what lying would look like if it could be pictured. No matter who the person is doing the lying - it is wrong.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Excellent essay by Jonah Goldberg (first link in this blog post).

  8. DaBlade: This cat doesn't lie. He can sense when others lie. I imagine he's quite busy when the news comes on TV.

  9. Sue Hanes: Some people think those bald cats are cute and I hear they're very loving. As I told DaBlade, this cat isn't a liar, but can sense when others lie.

  10. Always On Watch: It was a good read.

  11. WomanHonorThyself: I know. Hush your mouth ;)

  12. Woodsterman (Odie): I love me my Caturdays.
