The White House Fear Of Netanyahu Is At Fevered Pitch...
There are many arguments that can be made for Obola's disregard for Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...
Paul Wehner writes in Commentary: "Mr. Netanyahu is everything Barack Obama is not: Strong, tough, shrewd, unwilling to bend and bow to tyrants and willing to stand up for his nation and defend it abroad. On some level, Mr. Obama must surely know this. He hates Mr. Netanyahu for it, even as others of us admire him all the more for it."
I hope Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech knocks some sense into Obola's thick skull, but I'm not betting on it.
What a speech. What a leader he is. Can we get an adult leader too? I'm beyond embarrassed by what is happening.
ReplyDeleteIt won't knock any sense into Obama. He's got his own agenda and Israel isn't in the mix.
ReplyDeleteI loved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech. Excellent.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Jan: Sorry, no grown ups in Obola's choom administration. The list of those responsible for our mutual embarassment is long: a rising tide of low information voters, progressive liberal ideation, rino republicans, a fawning lapdog media that avoids publicizing the truth about god emperor obola's supernumerary faults, etc...
ReplyDeleteWhere do we go from here?
Sandee: Netanyahu is a real leader something Obola can't pull off even with the weight of the entire liberal media machine to propel him.
ReplyDeletenothing says it better then your post title. "God speed Bibi"
ReplyDeletenothing says it better then your post title. "God speed Bibi"
ReplyDeleteGranny Annie: Thank you for that acknowledgement.
ReplyDeleteMegyn Kelly - Did Hillary Clinton Commit A Felony?
ps. Link Exchange w/ CC??
Yep. I know I stand with Israel and Bibi.
ReplyDeleteCommoncents: Yes, Hillary broke the same law as the ambassador for Kenya did. He got fired, but it's unlikely that Hillary will have her feet put to the fire by the prog-minded media and the spineless GOP.
ReplyDeleteHow do I link with CC?
DaBlade: That's where I stand too. It's sad that our president isn't at our side.