
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Giant Manta

Fishermen In Peru Catch GIANT 26ft Manta Ray

This giant manta ray (Manta birostris) weighed in at ~ 1000 kilograms which, for the record, equals 2,204.62 pounds.


I caught a small sting ray, about two feet across, and I've never had a fish fight so hard. I thought I had caught a whale. I was six months pregnant and my husband was afraid I'd hurt myself and offered to help me, but I was determined to bring it onto the boat on my own. I didn't know how to fillet it, so I gave it to our friend. Minutes later, I felt another huge tug on the line and sure enough it was another sting ray, a bit larger that the first one.

An exciting day of fishing, but we went home empty handed.


  1. I don't fish. Too much energy. I'd rather read a good book and let everyone else fish. And I have too.

    I knew you were stubborn. I like that about you.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I find fishing relaxing except for the days of sting rays and sharks. OK, there was one stressful catch off a deck when I got a bite and my friends started yelling, "Monster! Monster!".

    That's not something you yell at a science fiction fan. I almost ran away. Turns out it was just a really ugly fish.

    Thanks for almost giving me a stroke, guys ;)

  3. Sandee: BTW as far as me being stubborn... I refuse to accept that. No way am I stubborn.


  4. I grew up in Indiana. To me fish is square, breaded and comes in a box in the freezer section.

  5. Jan: Your comment is killing me. That's so funny. I'm sorry about your land-locked childhood.

  6. Cube - Good for you - you are an excellent fisherman. I've never caught a sting ray - the most I've ever caught is a blue gill. :]

  7. Kid: The migration pics are cool. I hope they're migrating away from my beaches. They're not welcome guests.

  8. WomanHonorThyself: Lol. Just once?

  9. Sue Hanes: Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) make for some good eating. Wish I had caught some of them instead of the rays. I would've had a nice dinner that night.
