
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bizarro World Order

From American Thinker comes

Redefining Virtue In The Bizarro World

Only in the bizarro world would Obola's transformative plans be good for America and the changes are coming progressively faster.

Will we recognize our country come January 2017?


  1. And he told a crowd in Africa that he could win a third term if he could run. Good grief he's delusional.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I heard about the speech... the narcissist who doesn't know how to behave lecturing a whole continent on how to behave. What a maroon. He disgusts me.

  3. Good article chronicling the day by day absurdities of the leadership. He has managed to turn every group in the country against each other. Incompetence or purposeful? And yet his followers continue to believe what he says.

  4. Jan: I think there's method in BoyKing Putt's madness, but I fear that the voices of dissent are being dismissed as mere twaddle.

  5. I don't recognize my country now.

  6. kid, you stole my thunder. Neither do I.

  7. I'm with Kid and DaBlade. :-(

  8. Too many in America show disdain toward honest blue-collar labor. The Entitlement Generation is here.

  9. Kid: I hear ya. I'm not as old and set in my ways as you are, but I'm getting to that point myself ;)

  10. DaBlade: Read what I said to Kid ;)

  11. Z: Read what I said to Kid and DaBlade ;)

  12. Always On Watch: Absolutely. Somewhere along the line we forgot that not everyone is meant to go to college to study an absolutely useless major. Sadly, many are turning up their noses at lucrative trade jobs when these jobs can lead to business ownership and great personal satisfaction.

    Today's mantra is "but hard work is hard."

  13. Cube,
    College isn't for everyone -- nor should it be for everyone.

  14. Cube, Ok I'm old, but I'm not set in my ways. My opinions are still evolving. I could be a completely different person a year from now though I'd still be a Conservative.

    The only thing I'm truly convinced of is that I've used up 51 of my nine lives and have toned that part down a good bit.

  15. If I was college age today, there are not many majors I'd be interested in investing in. I think the big hitters are: Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Computer anything, Medical anything, Accounting and Finance. The rest of the people are in customer service or product distribution and those areas don't need a degree to be successful at.

  16. Kid: I was trying to make a point, albeit inartfully, that while many of us don't recognize our country now, it will get markedly worse before 2017 rolls around. I'm not talking about the technology, which I welcome, but the upcoming executive branch edicts that will change the fabric of our country in ways we will never be able to correct.

  17. Cube, I certainly agree with that. I was talking to some youngsters on the net regards their opinion that things on Earth have never been better. Long story short = Yea the technology is fantastic, the people are ------.

  18. Kid: I see that point of view all the time. I think part of the disconnect has to do with the way history is taught in schools nowadays. All bad and not any of the good. No wonder these kids have no guide posts on which to hang their principles.
