
Friday, July 17, 2015

Spider Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

...a freakish spider cat.

Yeah, I know it freaked me out, too, but I figured what with all that's going on with our government, we'd be better off getting used to freakish things until we can change the dynamic. No thanks Obola.

Happy er Friday....


  1. WHAT in the HECK IS THAT????
    That's one of the most horrible things I ever saw but I couldn't look closely because it freaked me out. WHAT?
    I want PRETTY KITTIES on your Friday Cat Blog :-)
    Especially on a terrible day like today...I'm so tired of hearing everyone trying to figure out what caused a muslim kid to murder four American Marines. man...... I GIVE UP! :-)

  2. I know. I feel the same way. It's a terrible picture for a terrible day. I wish for better days and better pics.

  3. It looks like something I would have done years ago when I first got Photoshop. I would have been quite proud.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. trying so hard to stay positive CUBE.not easy! xoxoxo

  6. Cube - I don't wish to appear stupid - but is this picture for real? I'm assuming it's not. At any rate - it is weird.

  7. Someone altered this very well. Love it. As for our weirdos that are running this nation into the ground...apparently there are many that think we are on track. I wonder what's wrong with them.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Jan: I probably would've done the same thing... if I had Photoshop.

  9. WomanHonorThyself: I hear ya. It's getting harder and harder to stay positive nowadays.

  10. Sue Hanes: It is a very weird picture and it's due to my dark mood... and my A/C unit's run capacitor died and we had a very sweaty night.

  11. Sandee: Your comment was spot on about the photoshopped cat pic, the weirdos running the country and the weirdos that like it. I get that falling down the rabbit hole feeling now and then.

  12. Twilight Zone cat?

    Have a great week!

