
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bad Bees

This could've been my husband...

Police: Golfer Dies After Being Stung By Bees In Michigan

... or yours.


  1. I would hope that most golfers would have sense enough to stop golfing with that many bee stings, but maybe not. They might have to get a new tee time.

  2. Some men seem to have too much dedication to the game!

  3. Ground dwelling bee sounds like yellow jacket. They are mean and can sting you as many times as they want each. Not like a honey or bumble bee. I had a run in with them when I was young, and also last weekend as I was pulling some weeds out in the front yard, apparently a nest was under one or more of these weeds. Got it in the chest and behind the knee. Chest is hardly noticeable but the back of the leg has been very annoying so far since. This weekend, I'll get a couple cans of some hornet spray (stand off weapon) and soak the entire area. I got no time for these little devils.

    Anyway, when golfing and you go in the woods, unless it's really close to the fairway, you're not going to find it. I pull another ball, take a stroke and avoid having a stroke. Or potentially this !

  4. Jan: I guess you don't know many golfers ;)

  5. Messymimi: I'm glad they have dedication to something.
