
Friday, September 18, 2015

Clock Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... just a sweet, innocent kitty that made a 'clock' to impress his teacher.

Don't be a hater, now.

Happy Friday, everybody!

If we survive the PC nonsense.


  1. Anyone can see that it is a clock strapped on.

  2. I haven't paid attention to that clock story! Guess maybe I should? HAVE A SUPER DUPER DAY!

  3. Neither Ducky who is Black and Dave Miller who is Latino, or Mexican, or what ever the hell he is, and Rational Nation whose mother is full Latina and father is half Black are all the same sacks of shit that the Wicked Witch of Progressive propaganda Horse Shit that she writes on that Shit Rag she calls a blog. Could ever appreciate this post of yours Cube. I hope none of them even tries .

  4. Stevebethere: Gotta the sun when we can.

  5. You know much of this is propaganda. All set up so the left can be in an uproar. All a well planned event.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  6. You know much of this is propaganda. All set up so the left can be in an uproar. All a well planned event.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  7. Sandee: I know you're right, but now you're having the hiccups! What is going on? I like the extra hits, but I want them to be legitimate hits.

  8. Excellent response to the nonesense out there.

  9. If a young boy takes that cat to school, maybe he can be invited to the White House? :-)

  10. Messymimi: Thank you. I love me those compliments ;)

  11. Z: If OBola had a cat, that's what it would look like... I'm just saying.

  12. Z: If OBola had a cat, that's what it would look like... I'm just saying.
