
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Stay Home!


  1. That's what I've been wondering. It would seem this would be the last place they would want to be.

  2. immigrants/migrants/refugees = moslem invaders. This is jihad by occupation. It's a formal way for moslems to do jihad on us infidels.

    The real question is why are all these country's governments Inviting and accepting them? A little google on Germany - currently the worst/best example of moslem invasion of a country will show just how extremely unhappy German citizens are with this invasion.

    islam is cancer, and this is suicide.

  3. Seriously. This is the last place in the world you would want to live. I remember Vietnamese refugees that moved here after the Vietnamese was over. They came here dirt poor and what did they do? They worked hard, they opened businesses, they payed ta,es, their kids were excellent students... So basically they were an asset to our society. Those are the kind of immigrants I want in my country. If you don't agree, just stay in your cess pool of a home.

  4. Seriously. This is the last place in the world you would want to live. I remember Vietnamese refugees that moved here after the Vietnamese was over. They came here dirt poor and what did they do? They worked hard, they opened businesses, they payed ta,es, their kids were excellent students... So basically they were an asset to our society. Those are the kind of immigrants I want in my country. If you don't agree, just stay in your cess pool of a home.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cube - That is a good question. Why do they want to come to America.

    Maybe they think they can change things here.

  7. Islam is not a religion it's politics. That's what it is and they want to be here to change the way of life here to their way of life. Piece by piece.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺
