
Monday, September 14, 2015

Who Do You Want On The $100 Bills?

I know who I'm picking...

Just kidding. I think our money is fine as it is.


  1. I think our money is just fine like it is too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I wouldn't mind having more of it but I don't think it should be changed.

  3. oh fer heavens sake- what politico wants his/her mug shot in place of Ben's face?
    He was a great man- leave him on there!

  4. Sandee: Our government is in some serious debt and we shouldn't be wasting money on something so trivial. We have other pressing problems and changing the look of the money supply isn't one of them.

  5. Jan: You and me both on that point.

  6. Kathe W: I know exactly how you feel. What's next? Mount Rushmore? There are no blacks, no women and no transgenders up there. I think this PC movement is going way too far.

  7. It makes me wonder why we waste time on the trivial.

  8. Messymimi: I don't know, but maybe it's because we have all these horrible problems in our country and the media doesn't report it. I think it's the don't look here mentality, just go look over here instead.

  9. Yes, leave the money alone. This is nothing more than re-writing history.

  10. Kid: I know. I'D like to say more but the auto correct on my cell phone isn't cooperating. It's so beyond common sense... it's ridiculous. Robots are going to rule the world, yeah maybe when they learn to spell.

  11. Kid: I know. I'D like to say more but the auto correct on my cell phone isn't cooperating. It's so beyond common sense... it's ridiculous. Robots are going to rule the world, yeah maybe when they learn to spell.

  12. Kid: I know. I'D like to say more but the auto correct on my cell phone isn't cooperating. It's so beyond common sense... it's ridiculous. Robots are going to rule the world, yeah maybe when they learn to spell.

  13. I had forgotten they printed bills this large. oh well. after the collapse, we will be trading chickens for bushels of corn and nobody will remember that Hillary was on the 100.

  14. DaBlade: God forbid Hillary will be on anything but in the ash heap of history.
