
Tuesday, October 06, 2015

A Dog Lover

More proof that the left is unhinged...

Prime Minister Netanyahu Adopts A Rescue Dog And The Left Goes Ballistic

Here's the final paragraph from Carol Brown's article in American Thinker:

"God bless Israel. God bless Prime Minister Netanyahu. And God bless his entire family, including the newest addition who was saved in the 11th hour from being put down at the pound.

(Compare this to our president who bought two dogs from breeders (not including the ones he ate. And compare to Muslims who hate dogs.)"


  1. Israel probably wouldn't be up for a trade in leadership.

  2. The left if loony. Always have been and always will be. Thank God I'm not one of them.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. I couldn't figure out why the left would mind him getting a dog! Then I realized it's A GERMAN SHEPHERD....oh, BROTHER. They probably drive Mercedes', too.! The journalists, not the dog!
    I think what he did is lovely......

  4. Jan: I wish. I've had my fill of president jarrett and her puppet.

  5. Sandee: There was a time, long ago, when they weren't as insane and honest disagreement about an issue was possible. Now they've lost touch with reality and there is no talking to them.

  6. Z: Who knows what lurks in those hate-filled minds. They're an intolerant bunch.

    As a side note, years ago my husband showed up with a German Shepherd puppy on our 8th anniversary and we named her BB.

  7. Do the Obamas still have those dogs? I've read nothing about them lately.

  8. Messymimi: I know the feeling.

  9. Always On Watch: Maybe they ate them ;)
