
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Black Crimes Matter

Two EMS Workers Attacked, Stabbed With Box Cutter In Detroit; Suspect On The Loose

Let me get this straight, Fire Commissioner Eric Jones said he plans to meet with Police Chief James Craig later Tuesday to discuss “de-escalation training” and defensive tactic training to prevent another attack like this from happening in the future.

Yeah, it's the paramedics that need "training" and not the criminal thugs brazenly threatening the EMS, firefighters and police officers with bodily harm and acting out on those threats.

Oh, Margaret, with leadership like that, don't plan on the situation in Detroit improving.


  1. Maybe they will give a concealed carry permit to the responders.

  2. What is happening to our country? Didn't anybody help the team?? Imagine that woman driving her partner and herself to the hospital having had injuries that brought them so close to death?...bleeding like that? What a gal! There are still heroes among the monsters, aren't there.

  3. Oh, but they weren't treating his lady right! Gads, it's horrible. And probably the lady with the original injury, who knows the creep that did this, won't tell who it is, and won't testify against him. Enough to make you sick.

  4. I say stay out of those neighborhoods. It's not safe.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. Jan: I think that falls into wishful thinking. Alinsky's rules call for the confiscation of arms.

  6. another cop murdered in NY today! keepin the flame! xoxoxox

  7. Z: What's happening to our country, you ask? Our country is being overrun by people who don't consider heroism a virtue. People with a sense of entitlement and not a sense of valor. Thank God there are still many heroes out there, but the barbarian hordes have to be fought back or we will be living in the dark ages again. Imagine calling 911 and no one responds.

  8. Messymimi: I know, but what is she going to do without her babydaddy? Where's she gonna get her next welfare check bump, er, I mean baby.

  9. WomanHonorThyself: I just heard. It's disgusting. Our world, although never perfect, seems more than ever hellbent on going to hell.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sandee: Believe me, I understand the sentiment and I wouldn't want to go either, but the EMS is supposed to go where there's an incident. It's lawsuit city if they don't and lawsuit city if they do... talk about a catch 22.
