
Friday, November 20, 2015

New Yorker Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... cartoon cats from The New Yorker.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. Exactly what cats would say if they could talk.

  2. Cube - I love New Yorker cartoons. This is a good one. I like to think what cats would say if they could talk.

  3. LOL that made me giggle :-)

    Have a gossiptastic weekend :-)

  4. Bwahahahahahahahaha. This excuse is as good as any if you ask me. Pour me another drink.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. Always On Watch: It does sound like cats. That's why I found this cartoon so amusing.

  6. Sue Hanes: I love New Yorker cartoons, too, and this is a good one.

  7. Stevebethere: I laughed out loud when I first saw it.

  8. Sandee: We can commiserate together. Cheers.

  9. A lot of human traditions must be mystifying to our pets.

  10. Jan: When our girls were growing up we had a German Shepherd named Dax who had a tradition of waiting for us to leave the house and then destroying decorations on the tree. We would yell at her and she would hang her head in shame every time, yet she couldn't help herself. I think she resented how much time we spent fussing with the tree and took it out on the ornaments.

    The year we got a movable basketball hoop and played basketball everyday, she would poop all around the base. She didn't like being excluded from her human pack.

  11. That is exactly why we quit putting up a tree years ago. We just go to Grandma and Grandpa's house and enjoy theirs!

  12. GREAT! (at your last comment, cube) This will be our first Christmas with a full grown German Shepard (he was just a puppy last year). He hasn't shown any destructive tendencies lately, but I just hope our tree doesn't set him off.

  13. It's torment to a cat, torment I tell you!!! I bet the membership at Cataholics Anonymous goes through the roof.

  14. simply outrageous what they expect a cat to ignore! Silly humans! Happy Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Messymimi: Lucky you. My parents stopped putting up the tree when we all left home so we've got no tree at grandma's house. My girls still insist on a tree at our house, but I've been reticent for years because I'm the one that gets stuck putting it all away. They always worm their way out of it.

  16. DaBlade: It depends on how jealous he is of anything that takes time away from him. Dax got plenty of attention, but when she perceived anything that didn't include her, she would either break it or take a dump on it. We ended up putting the ornaments on the top two thirds of the tree and hoped she didn't take to pooping under the tree.

  17. Woman Honor Thyself: It was a great Friday. I want the weekend to start over again ;)

    Hope yours was good, too.

  18. Tony McGurk: Lol. Cataholics Anonymous... so that's where my cats go at night ;)

  19. Kathe W.: Yes, we humans are silly, at least that's what cats think anyway ;)
