
Thursday, November 12, 2015


I predicted there would be more protests on campuses all over the country. Well, so it begins...

Ithaca College Students Demand School's President Step Down In Mizzou-Inspired Protest

I wonder if Americans were to throw ourselves to the streets and protest, we could oust our illegitimate president?

I like the idea.


  1. Probably wouldn't work. He's coming to the end of the line. It's all the damage he's done. Way too much damage and we can't have another 4 to 8 years of democratic policies like we've had. We can't.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I've given up on colleges being anything but sanctuaries for stupid children.

  3. Every day i wonder a bit more where the brains have gone.

  4. Sandee: I know. Wishful thinking. I can dream can't I? ;)

    You're right about the next election. I will drag myself over broken glass to vote for whichever GOP candidate wins the primary.

  5. Jan: Before the global warming/climate change scam, I would've disagreed with your conclusion as it applied to the math & science education sites on campus. Now, I feel the entire campus has fallen prey to the inane liberal mindset.

  6. Messymimi: I often wonder the same thing. Sad state of affairs.

  7. It's a righteous idea Cube. obama... Out !

  8. cube, did you catch that Neil Cavuto interview with that Mizzoo student? Instant classic. Scary though, because this herd is only growing.

  9. DaBlade: I caught clips of the interview. These maroons are nowhere near a match for Cavuto. Their rising numbers is a troublesome thought, for sure.

  10. DaBlade: I just watched the entire Cavuto interview. Mullen is, ummmm, like OK with a 90% tax rate!!! Holy valley girl speech inflection. Math isn't exactly their forte... neither is reality. Calling these students clueless is being kind.
