
Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Too Early

Is it too much to ask for Christmas store displays to wait until after Thanksgiving?


  1. There is probably not enough money in Thanksgiving merchandise. I don't mind that much anymore. I like to be finished with Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving so I can avoid the mindless crowds.

  2. Oh, you're one of those totally organized people who gets their shopping done early. I'm not going to say I hate that about you because I love so many other things about you. This time of year, however, I hope you don't harbor ill will towards a procrastinator like me. I hope it all evens out in the end.

  3. We went to Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday and what did I see? Lots of Christmas stuff out and Christmas music. Please.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Sandee: It's the economic creep that makes it Christmas the day after Halloween. Look, I'm a capitalist, but I'm not for this wanton use of the holidays. That's just me.

  5. They have to order the Christmas stuff months in advance, and it comes in and they can't just store it in the back, so out it goes on the shelves. It makes me sad, too.

  6. Not until after Thanksgiving !

  7. Loved the Batman and Robin cartoon! Batman needs a little time to get into the spirit. Good thing Robin is the one who does all the shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

  8. Yes evidently it is. Way too much to ask!

  9. Yes evidently it is. Way too much to ask!

  10. I woke up Monday morning, November 2nd to Christmas music. Oh my goodness. Give me a break. Are they crazy? I believe that Christmas begins right after the American Thanksgiving not right after Halloween. I enjoyed it a long time ago when I was a small little boy when Christmas time began right after December 1st. Now it's sickening.
    Oh my the way cube, when my wife & I go to Costco she has to check our basket to see just how many things I've added that weren't on our list. I love going to Costco. Ha,ha,ha. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. Around here (our house), we don't get Halloween candy until The Day. I went into the store and it wasn't where it had been for a month. In it's place was Christmas stuff.
