
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Here Piggy Piggy

Found the above on my husband's Facebook and it was too good to not share.

I hope it's true.



  1. That's going to leave those 72 virgins for some other lucky guy.

  2. Ha! That reminds me of the Helen Thomas meme. Such a lucky guy.

  3. Sure gives them something to think about...that is if suicide bomber are capable of thought

  4. Granny Annie: And maybe they'll stop... yeah, right.

  5. Jan: Oh they think, they just think stupid thoughts.

  6. But since they didn't purposefully ingest it while alive, does it count? They will probably say no, and keep doing what they want.

  7. They are a weird bunch of folks. They are living in the stone age if you ask me.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Messymimi: That's a good question. Considering how some refuse to even touch pork in a market when it's clearly wrapped, it stands to reason they don't want pork by-products all over their body parts when they head down to allah. Their sense of reasoning being what it is, i.e., non-existent, who knows what they think about it.

  9. Sandee: Their heads are in the stone age alright, but I don't care about that or if they want to move to Mars. Good riddance, I say. The problem is they want to drag the rest of us there, too. Now that's a big problem in my book.


  10. Cube - I hope it's true also. Muslins should not be pork infested.
