
Saturday, February 06, 2016

Marco Fibbeo

Just so you know...

Phyllis Schlafly: Disqualify Rubio For Lying About Amnesty In Spanish Language Interview

As if that wasn't enough, from The Gateway Pundit comes this:

BREAKING: Phyllis Schlafly Issues 15 PAGE ‘Rubio Betrayal Memo’ – Updated

I've run into some descriptors such as RINObama, Cuban RINO, et al.

Something to keep in mind before you vote.


  1. I'm not sure that I know what a Republican is anymore. There was a time when I did, but things have been so screwed up by the ObamaNation, by Republicans such as George W., who I liked, but who grew government at an unprecedented rate, etc. that I'm not quite sure what's left.

    The "conservatives" in Iowa who were saying that they wouldn't vote for anybody who wouldn't support ethanol subsidies (ObamaPhones) really were the last nail in the coffin. There is $19 trillion in debt and while Trump says that we can grow our way out of it -- we may given enough time -- the problem we face is that Republicans want socialism as much as the Democrats do.

  2. Both parties are basically the same in my view. They pretend to fight all day at work and then go out to dinner and drinks after work. I'm just not seeing much difference between the two parties anymore.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Sadly I think both commentators are right. I listened to the Rubio-Cruz squabble a couple of times and still don't know what they were talking about.

  4. I agree, there isn't much difference between the two parties and both parties hate Cruz. He's the only constitutional conservative in the race.

  5. What a shameful state of affairs we have allowed to come to pass.


  6. Cube - I wasn't planning to vote for Rubio anyway. I don't know who I'm going to vote for. Not Trump - that's for sure.
