
Saturday, February 13, 2016


Islam: The Jinn Is Out Of The Bottle

I believe this is the most important paragraph:

John Griffing writes, "Western leaders are aiding and abetting this insanity with a consistency and single-mindedness of purpose that can only be explained in one way: they must think they have something to gain from the chaos created by this crisis."

Food for thought when you vote this November.

[The BLOG note: Hat tip to John Griffing for the word, "Pigslam".]


  1. The world has gone crazy. Totally crazy.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Thought full article. Is it Islamaphobia when they are really trying to kill us?

  3. Sandee: Western civilization is being undermined from without and, if you believe Griffig's thesis, undermined from within as well.

  4. Jan: No, just like it isn't paranoia if they're really after you.

  5. UGLY, UGLY days, Cube.... your post is fascinating.
    And now Scalia's dead...of natural causes, and not so old. WHY, GOD?

  6. They do have something to gain -- more power.

  7. The EU country suicide by moslem is beyond language.

    Z, Yes, why can't God take some of the evil like clinton, pelosi, reid, all the democrats, moslems, etc.

    One answer is that It Is Required that mortals learn the lesson of 1776 once again, make the commitment, and renew the spirit. Heck I won't even help someone who won't help themself anymore. It's counter productive.

  8. I shudder to think about the world they are leaving our children CUBE! in the meantime my friend: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!! XOXOXOX

  9. I will be voting against the devil ... Republican.

  10. Z: I'm asking myself the same question. Why, God?

  11. Messymimi: The acquisition of power sounds plausible, but if they think that by allowing moslem hordes into their country, they're going to consolidate power, they may get a shock when the hordes override their wishes.

  12. Kid: Beyond language indeed.

  13. WomanHonorThyself: As the mother of two young women, I fear for their future. It makes it even more urgent that we live each day to the fullest. That said, I hope you had a happy Valentine's Day.

  14. Woodsterman (Odie): I'm not sure I follow...

  15. Always On Watch: People need to see what we'really up against. It's the islam.

  16. Always On Watch: People need to see what we'really up against. It's the islam.
