
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Poor Plant

I was gifted this orchid by a very sweet neighbor, but she doesn't know that I'm a serial plant killer...

Oh the humanity.

This poor plant will be my next victim... and I can't stop... I'm a lousy plant person. Help me... help.


  1. LL: From experience I know it takes more than water... I think plants hate me!

  2. Here's a link on orchid care. About Orchids. Good luck.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Put it near a window with subdued light, play classical music and give it a lot of compliments.

  4. Trust me, i'm even worse with plants than you. For an orchid, indirect light, don't let it get too cold, and water it with one ice cube set on top of its soil once every two weeks, it will melt and give it just enough water. They have to dry out thoroughly between. This advice has been passed along from a very good plant person i know, not me!

  5. OMG! That would be a gift that would totally traumatize me. I would hand it back immediately.

  6. The Daughter In Law keeps giving Mrs. Woodsterman big Orchids. They last a bit then need a hair cut never to return. The last one had blooms like yours, but three feet high.

  7. LL: Water? These things are one of the least-liking water plants in the world. Are you in on this plant homicide venture? I must ask cause you never know on the internet.

  8. So many of you have given me orchid advice and I love it. Messymimi's expert's advice was spot on because my orchid expert's advice was the same. I expressed to him that I hoped I wouldn't murder these poor orchids and he said stick with the ice cubes and you'd be fine. Once again, cubes rule!!!

  9. Jan: I told her... OK, I'm going to call her Dee, wait there are two of them, so I'm going to call them Dee 1 and Dee 2. So they were sitting on our dinning room for under 15 minutes before one of the grand kittens knocked them over. I don't see a long, fruitful live for Dee 1 or Dee 2 at my house, but I'll keep everyone informed.

  10. Granny Annie: I know exactly what you mean. I am traumatised by this plant. I'm constantly looking at them (there are two of them, twice the worry) and wondering, "What have I done wrong now."

    BUT this is exactly what I get when I telefact the idea that I don't like getting flowers because I don't like watching them die.

    I just can't win.

  11. Woodsterman:(Odie): Woah... my mother-in-law gave me my first orchid.

  12. Messymimi: Your expert totally coincided with my expert. He gave me the same advice you did. When I commented that I hoped I didn't murder her, he said, "Just stick with the ice cubes and you'll be fine." That was spot on, girl.

  13. Cube - I must also be a plant serial killer because I do not have one plant in my house.

  14. Sue Hanes: Do you have cats? I put that orchid on our kitchen table at 7pm and by 7:15pm it had been turned onto its side. So it isn't just me over-watering. Cats gravitate towards plants and they're not kind when they find them.
