
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Confederacy Of Dunces

Hear that? That is the sound of my jaw dropping to the floor when I heard Obama's Cuba speech...

Obama: Cuba's Revolution, Like America's, Was A 'Liberation Movement."

I'd bet my last dollar that Obama isn't referring to Cuba's liberation from Spanish rule in 1898.

Put down the basketball brackets and pick up a history book, you bleeping moron!


  1. That's why I avoid listening to his speeches. I love the picture with Che prominently in the background. That would be a good cover for his next book.

  2. Jan: Oh, I move really fast to kill his speeches with the mute button or change the channel completely if it's more than just a news clip. I read this speech because of my connection with Cuba and boy was I sorry I did. Unbelievable.

    I would like to know what the black side of Obama thinks of Che's statement. I guess some commies are more equal than others.

  3. Che certainly nailed Barack (citation on the photo - above).

  4. LL: Do you think Obama has a clue about that statement? Many idiots who wear Che t-shirts don't know what a ruthless murderer he was like in real life. For me, the only good Che has always been a dead Che.

    I think Obama lives in an alternate reality...reality prime like in J.J. Abrams' version of Star Trek. Up is down. Black is white. The country is turned on its head, topsy turvey time.

  5. I can't stand to hear him talk. He's an idiot in spades. He's one of the elite he talks about. He doesn't quite get that either.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. Che is like Margaret Sanger and the rest of the left's idol icons that way. I hope jug-ear's bracket is busted.

  7. This is yet another reason i'm glad i don't watch TV, especially TV news, and i get my news from short radio blurbs (that almost never feature speech clips) and the newspaper.

  8. Sandee: I can't listen to the purple lips flap either. Just when you think it can't get worse, it does. I should know better by now.

  9. DaBlade: Sanger is another good example. Many liberals don't read history and just believe it when the MSM tells them that Sanger was a champion for women's reproductive choice when really she had different motives.

  10. Messymimi: I watch a lot of TV, but my TV news only comes from the morning show on HLN. The rest of my news comes from online sources as we canceled our paper a long time ago. The internet allows me to follow opposing points of view and then make up my mind about the issue.

  11. I've read the che story, he wasn't anything more than a south of the border charles manson. he and his gang liked to kill people period. There was no liberating anything about it. The story was written by the guy that tracked him down and put an end to it.
